Success Stories

Strengthening Tribal Justice: Alaska ITWG Brings Together Record Number of Tribes

In October 2024, the Alaska Native Justice Center (ANJC) hosted its second Inter-Tribal Technical Assistance Working Group (ITWG) meeting welcoming 36 Alaska Tribes to Anchorage. ...

Voices for Justice: “Advocacy Behind the Scenes”

Through its tribal justice work, ANJC helps work to ensure that tribes involved with ICWA cases achieve best-case scenarios for tribal children

Up Close with the Issues Facing Alaskans

Clerking at a nonprofit rather than in a law office allowed Cillian McDonagh to gain an alternate view of the issues concerning Alaska Native people

Voices for Justice: Beyond Barriers

Determined to become an addiction counselor, Maggie Fairbanks faced a significant hurdle: her criminal record. Enter the Alaska Native Justice Center and its employment-based variance ...

Deep-dive into Native Law

With its unique legal landscape, Alaska is the perfect place for law students and new lawyers to grow their knowledge and ability

Advocating for Himself and Others

“I encourage others to ask, if you can; advocate for opportunities to become a better lawyer." ANJC's law clerkship provided a way for Geoffrey Bacon ...

Lifting a Burden

Bethel caseworkers Gertrude Peter and Andrew Steven handled roughly 70 to 80 CINA cases this fall; their calendars can often be booked with back-to-back hearings. ...

Taking a Walk “In Her Shoes”

ANJC’s interactive training provides staff with the lived experiences of survivors of abuse No one can find Legal Services. “It’s over there,” pointed out one ...
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