Apply for Services

Online Intake

This streamlined prescreening application helps us understand your needs and determine how we can best assist you. Here’s how the process works:


  1. Complete the Online Form
    Share your current situation and needs through our secure online form (the button & link are below). Your information helps us assess whether our services match your circumstances.
  2. Initial Review
    Our team will carefully review your submission to determine if we can provide appropriate assistance for your situation.
  3. Schedule Your Consultation
    If our services align with your needs, you’ll be sent a link to schedule a 60-minute consultation call at a time that works best for you where an ANJC staff member will call you and discuss your situation in detail and outline how we can help.

Ready to begin?


  • All information you provide is confidential and will only be used to determine how we can best support you.
  • Submitting this form is an application to determine eligibility for our services.
  • Please note that completing this form does not guarantee acceptance of your case, as we cannot assist everyone who applies.
  • Filling out this form does not establish an attorney-client relationship with ANJC.
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