Pillars of Justice

ANJC’s Pillars of Justice are the basis for our services.

Social Justice Advocacy

Strategic Partnerships

Working with the right stakeholders toward our mission.


Bringing our partners together to focus around important issues and being an impetus toward the power of those working together to affect real change in the systems that adversely affect the people we serve.

Technical Assistance

Providing technical legal assistance to Alaska Tribes and Tribal Courts across the state.

Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)

This includes providing representation to Alaska Tribes in state Child in Need of Aid (CINA) cases that implicate the ICWA.

Advocacy for Victims and Survivors

Family Law

ANJC provides assistance to those who require help in navigating the legal system.

Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Human Trafficking, Dating Violence and Stalking

ANJC offers culturally sensitive services for victims and survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, stalking and dating violence; legal representation may be available to eligible participants.

Victims of Crime

ANJC offers services to victims of crime and their families

Elder Services

ANJC provides services to Elders who have been financially exploited or are a victim of neglect or another crime. We also assist Native elders with culturally competent and holistic end of life planning.



ANJC partners with the Alaska Court System to host the Color of Justice program which offers active learning opportunities to young people who have aspirations to work in the criminal justice system.

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