If you’ve been keeping up with the Alaska Native Justice Center’s (ANJC) Voices for Justice campaign, you’ve read stories about how the organization has helped people like Miranda Childress and Jayson Buzby transform their lives. Since 1993, ANJC has been assisting Alaska Native people and other Alaskans within the justice system. This year’s ANJC Impact Report demonstrates the significant role ANJC plays in advocating for justice, assisting families, and paving the way for the previously incarcerated to find success.
Focus Areas
ANJC currently offers services and programs through three Pillars of Justice: Advocacy, Reentry, and Family Law. Starting in 2018, the organization will add Education, through which it will equip individuals with knowledge about the criminal justice system. Under its existing service areas, ANJC has affected the lives of thousands of Alaska Native people and Alaskans:
Social Justice Advocacy
Bringing partners together to advocate for fair and equitable treatment of Alaska Native people within the justice system
- This year, ANJC championed the causes of 91 Tribal members.
- We have advocated for 6,100 individuals since 1993.
- For 73% of those assisted, we provided case management and guidance during legal interactions.
- The court system has granted long-term protective orders to every single individual who sought one with the assistance of ANJC.
Restorative Justice (Reentry)
Providing those returning to society after incarceration with the tools they need to successfully rebuild their lives
Since 2006, we have helped 1,893 previously incarcerated individuals find a stable and productive life outside of prison.
- This year, we assisted nearly 500 individuals.
- 48% of those assisted this year are now employed or working on their educational goals.
- Nearly 52% have connected with healthcare, behavioral health, or social activities that provide positive support.
Advocacy for Victims (Family Law)
Standing up for the rights of Alaska Native people and providing the tools they need to advocate for themselves
- In 2017, ANJC served 18 participants through its family law programs.
- More than 82% of those served in the Family Law program have experienced successful outcomes since 2014.